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welcome to Sofi Ymarik shop

All products have been made by Sofja Umarik. 

Available for sale in a printed and digital format. 

Click on the image to see the product.


The Mother Earth

a paperback colouring book


My Biggest Fear

an illustrated story - comic

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The River

an illustrated story - comic


An Apology to My Darkness

an illustrated story - comic


The 42 card Oracle Deck



contact me to pre-order

about the deck:


Hi! I am Sofi. 

So glad you’re reading these words!

Hääl is the hero’s journey to self-realisation through the power of the elements.

These cards are an extension of our intuition. 

I first got to know Tarot a few years ago.


The images and the stories behind them showed me how there is a way to connect and communicate directly through drawing. A card doesn’t require words to explain itself. As an artist, I felt fascinated by the capacity to visually connect to my intuition whenever I wanted. The cards became storytellers and characters I longed to know more deeply. It is much later that I decided to channel my creativity into this oracle deck and the booklet that you are holding.

This oracle deck was inspired by Tarot, but also by my love for the elements and nature. 


Thank you for supporting my work!

I hope these cards spark joy, connection and healing. 




Love my work?

You can now support me on Ko-Fi!

Ko-Fi is a platform that allows artists receive support in a form of a tip. It's like buying me a coffee to show your love!

You can also contribute to helping me finish projects:

like printing my first oracle deck!

thank you!

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